Storyline360 Timer

Animated Timers with Storyline360 Dials

If you haven’t heard, Articulate360 is out and with it the new Storyline360- SL360.  Storyline2-SL2 gave us Sliders for great interactions and SL360 bring Dials!  Dials allow for many interaction design concepts where we can have users turning dials or knobs between zero to 180 and 360 degrees.  However, just as we were able to […]

Active Shooter

Active Shooter eLearning Experience

Mass shootings are a sad reality of our times and can happen to anyone, anywhere.  Recently, active shooter courses have become a staple of compliance training for many companies. Last year, I designed an active shooter elearning course which was my submission for LSDemoFest at LSCON16.  Even though it was not a winner, the feedback given […]

Custom eLearning Timers in Storyline2

Time is the only commodity we can’t buy, we can only use it or it’s gone.  When I’m not defeating elearning evil (that is, preventing ineffective and\or boring learning from happening) I usually develop learning solutions for call center personnel.  So, what’s so relevant about that? Well, call center professionals have everything “timed” on their schedules.  Therefore, […]

Getting Togglelicious with Storyline Buttons

I always enjoy a good ELH Challenge and this week’s challenge #97 offers some great creative concepts for interactive buttons.  My submission concept can be described as an animated switch.  The interaction happens when the user clicks a round button; then, the button switches from one side of the screen to another on a “U” […]

Power Up Your Elearning with Adobe After Effects

Animating images in your elearning project can add some screen movement to give your learners context or grasp their attention to focus on certain area of the screen. Adobe After Effects is a motion graphics and motion picture effects software that allows you to bring still images to life. In this AndragoBlog post we’ll take […]

people slider

3 Slider Tips in Articulate StoryLine2

One of Articulate Storyline2’s feature is the slider interaction. The slider is a powerful interaction because you can give the learner real-time outcomes based on the position (step) he or she drags the slider button to. Although you can simulate slider interactions in other authoring tools (usually installing external widgets), nothing compares to the ease-of-use […]

Mortar Math

Articulate Storyline2 Drag n’ Drop Game: Mortar Math

Elearning Heroes Challenge #71 was all about teaching math concepts with elearning.  My submission was a military-inspired game where learners solve math problems and blow stuff up.  Nothing wrong with “safe” mortar training and engaging learners by testing basic math skills.  For this sample I used a combination of vector drawings built with Adobe Illustrator […]

Click the sample

How to build an arrow shooting bow for quizzes in Articulate Storyline2

One of the great features available in Articulate Storyline2 (SL2) are the Slider Controls.  So, for the Elearning Heroes Challenge #70 which involved creating a Valentine’s themed elearning interaction.  I wanted to create an interaction where Cupid, the fabled roman god of love lend you his bow and arrow so you can answer questions on a […]