Bloom’s Taxonomy: The Baking Soda of Learning Design

Baking soda has a rich history as a multipurpose kitchen cleaner, leavening agent and even wound healing properties. Thus far, no one has claimed it to accelerate learning or help you create good learning objectives. Unfortunately, Bloom’s Taxonomy has been treated by many in L&D as the baking soda of learning design. Benjamin Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: The Classification of Educational Goals was published in 1956 with the sole purpose of standardize the way academic professors ensured learning objectives are aligned with examination item

Learning Objectives on Target

Solving the Mystery of Learning Objectives

Learning objectives are a critical piece of any course or learning activity involving adults. They are preliminary statements providing adult learners with clear guidance (when written effectively) about the expected outcome of their involvement in the learning activity. One can then assume that their primary purpose is to inform the learner. However, learning objectives have […]