For the past several weeks I’ve been creating L&D memes to reflect funny but observable truths of the industry. A new one is posted on my LinkedIn and Twitter feeds every Friday morning and that’s the plan for the foreseeable future. So, I figured it would be nice to keep a collection of them for anyone that would love to chuckle and learn at the same time right? Well, here hey are; I’m just going to add some headings and a relatable anecdote about them. Feel free to ask questions if you don’t get the joke.
Learning Management System Sales Experience
The LMS sales process is always the same, BIG promises before signing the contract and then the “cinderella effect” where everything is not as it seemed.
The Two Faces of L&D
Many L&D professionals talk a big game on social media proposing great ideals on how to improve the practice daily i.e. don’t be an order-taker. Sadly, many of them face a contrasting reality of constraints in their work environment.
The Need to Write Observable Learning Objectives
The classic boot camp scene from Stanley Kubrick’s Full Metal Jacket shows us how some L&D folks still have a hard time coming up with good, measurable and observable learning objectives.
Storyline Catching Up to Captivate with 360 Images
Storyline 360 has been behind on innovating features ever since Captivate came out with its Virtual Reality 360 images and video capabilities. Did Articulate catch Adobe sleeping again on the eLearning side?
When Subject Matter Experts Ghost Their Instructional Designers
If you are an Instructional Designer, then you know all about this. Right after the kick off call for your new project, SMEs may do this. With experience you will know how to handle it.
Teaching Strategies for Learning Styles
The fable of Learning Styles continues on, so we need to bring some light to it by showing the potential experiences of following questionable theories.
Instructional Designer? What’s that?
L & D Muppets
It’s time to write objectives, it’s time to get ’em right, it’s time to make the courses with L&D tonight ; )
Thought Leader Say What?
Instructional Designers Explained Today
eLearning Tool Ease of Use
Instructional Designers and UX
Last Minute SME
Adobe Captivate is Not Part of the CC Family
Dealing with Scope Changes
What’s Next?
Comment and offer suggestions of what the next meme should be. Otherwise, come back every Friday to catch a new one. Ready for more? Checkt Part II
Alex Salas is learning experience and eLearning designer with over 15 years of experience specializing in the blend of learning technologies and gamification for performance outcomes. Since 2007, Alex has worked in every facet of corporate learning and performance enablement for Fortune 100 enterprises such as Philips, Centene Corporation and Dell Technologies. When he’s not creating amazing learning experiences, you can find Alex giving back to the community at large with articles, workshops, and conferences.
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